A FIRST school has been praised for its 'close and caring community' in its latest inspection report.

Slaley First School, located on Main Street, Slaley, continues to be rated good by Ofsted inspectors in the report published on May 1.

"This is a small school where staff know the pupils well and everyone feels valued. Pupils enjoy being part of such a close and caring community. Staff and pupils abide by the school’s values. All have a positive approach to work," the report said.

READ MORE: Middle school retains 'good' Ofsted status

"Leaders have the highest of aspirations for their pupils. This includes children in early years and pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). Staff lay on many activities to promote pupils’ personal development. Pupils have the opportunity to take part in activities such as mindfulness, yoga, piano tuition and tennis."

The school is 'held in high regard' by parents and carers and is said to support pupils and their families well.