A MIDDLE school has retained its Ofsted status following its latest inspection.

Ovingham Middle School, on West Road, Ovingham, was found to be still rated 'good' in its report published on May 3.

The report highlighted pupils' enthusiasm for their lessons and the opportunities available to them outside of their lessons.

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"Despite some turbulence in staffing, leaders have ensured that pupils are receiving a high-quality education. Pupils trust the adults in school to help them and keep them safe. Pupils are happy and achieve well here," the report said.

"Teachers have high expectations of what all pupils can achieve. This includes pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). The school has ensured there is equal ambition for these pupils. Pupils with SEND are well supported to achieve well, alongside their peers."

It added pupils behave well in lessons and around school, are engaged in learning, and leaders support staff well.