OVINGTON is set to host its second beer festival.

The theme of this year's festival is borderland beers and will see beers sourced from breweries closest to the England-Scotland border - including Borderlands Brewery, the Carlisle Brewing Company, First and Last Brewery, Cheviot Brewery and Tempest Brewing Co.

Award-winning Ciders will also be available from Monkey House of Berwick.

To open the event, John Sadler and the Time Bandits will deliver an educational performance on the history of the Reivers. The performance will raise money for Friends of Harbottle Castle and festival charity the Stoke Association.

READ MORE: The pubs and clubs recognised by CAMRA

Over the course of the rest of the festival at Ovington Social Club, there will be music from local bands The Belta Reivers and The Whistle Testers, as well as craft activities from ArtVenturers.

Local businesses Winships Little Med and North Acomb Farm Shop will provide hot and cold snacks to festival-goers and are inviting other businesses to sponsor each of the beers in return for entry passes and promotion at the festival.

The Ovington Beer Festival will run between April 13 and 15.

CAMRA members will receive a free token for the festival if they arrive before 7pm on either Friday or Saturday.