A THEATRE group is performing a special celebratory play at Vindolanda this weekend.

On the Move Theatre Group is set to perform Gone to the Wall on Saturday and Sunday, which is a production celebrating the 1900th anniversary of Hadrian's Wall.

David Nixon, from Hexhamshire, runs the group and along with writing and directing the play, he will also perform in it as Emperor Hadrianus and several other characters.

"It's a comical look at how the wall was built and how Hadrian came to have the idea in the year 122," he said.

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The show began touring in late February and had to be put on hold during lambing season due to David's fulltime job as a farmer.

The play will be held outdoors in all weathers.

There will be two shows a day, one at 11.30am and the second at 2.30pm.

Gone to the Wall has been performed for local WI's, Scout and Guide Units and the Calvert Trust as well as several other venues, with the intention of helping them to raise money for their individual causes.

"There'll be music, singing and entertainment, and it's gone down really well so far," he said.

After this weekend, David and his volunteer cast, who are from across Northumberland, will take a two week break for summer while David takes care of farming responsibilities.

The group will then return to perform more shows around Northumberland, including a few for local veteran associations to help them raise funds.

David said he normally writes murder mysteries, but began the theatre group with pantomimes approximately 30 years ago.

"We've had hundreds of people involved, kids have started their acting careers with us, and we've raised thousands to go towards individual causes."

He said he runs the group for three main reasons - to challenge himself and the actors involved with each play, to entertain the audience, and to raise money to go towards good causes.

The next play will be called Game of Stones, which David said will be held this autumn and winter.

"I like writing and I like making people laugh, there's nothing better than making people laugh. If I can cheer people up with songs and they're singing them in the car home, that's what it's all about," he said.

For more information, go to https://www.vindolanda.com/.