A new family home could be built on land previously occupied by three barns.

A planning application was submitted by an agent from Newcastle-based company Lichfields to Northumberland County Council to demolish several barns and redevelop the site with one new dwelling and associated infrastructure and landscaping.

The two-storey home, to be built at the eastern end of Beech Close Farm, Newton, Stocksfield, will have four or more bedrooms.

New infrastructure to be built includes a new access driveway, an arrival court, and a bedroom annexe which incorporates garaging and leisure facilities.

READ MORE: Approval of cottage demolition sought from council

The design and access statement said: "These proposals form part of a wider masterplan and rationalisation of the former farmstead, which includes redevelopment of the main farm house to the west and a range of barns and residences, including Beech Close ‘Old’ School House, and Longbottom Cottage.

"The proposal is also founded upon extensive review and analysis of the existing site, heritage and wider context, to ensure an appropriate and fitting response to the requirements of the owner, and the historic and architectural sensitivity of the locality.

"Furthermore, the proposals seek to decrease the density of development and hard standings across the site offering significant potential for improvement in biodiversity. Enhanced ‘greening’ of previous building areas and hardstandings, new and enhanced native hedgerow boundaries, grassland meadows, wildflower planting and new native tree planting offer significant improvements."

Sustainability will be incorporated into the proposals with 'high levels of thermal efficiency' in the fabric of the core building and using renewable energy sources such as heat pumps.

The statement said that the design of the house will 'be characterized by a calm sympathetic exterior and dramatic interior volumes'.

An ecological impact assessment and bat survey submitted with the application concluded: "The development will result in the loss of one large agricultural building, which has moderate conservation significance for bats as a roost site, or other wildlife. The provision of mitigation in the form of a large void and bat box and access to a further loft on the site will give a net biodiversity gain over the existing site."

Overall, the design and access statement said the development would contribute to the local setting, architecturally, ecologically and environmentally. "The council is encouraged to accept this proposal as a positive contribution for the estate and the local area," it added.

For more information, go to the council's planning portal and search reference number 24/01780/FUL.