With just four weeks remaining in the Covid-19 spring vaccination programme, 'at-risk' individuals are being urged to book their booster.

The top-up vaccination is offered to anybody aged 75 and above by June 30, older adult care home residents and immunosuppressed individuals over six months old.

Dr Catherine Monaghan, medical director and respiratory consultant NHS North East and North Cumbria (ICB), said: "Since the launch of our spring COVID-19 vaccination campaign in April we have vaccinated 71.1 per cent of our vulnerable care home residents and more than 210,322 people, who are eligible, have come forward to get their all-important protection."

Joint booking appointments are now available, with back-to-back bookings also possible.

Dr Monaghan said: "Booking is easier than ever, so please come forward now to give yourself that all-important protection over the summer months and ensure you don't miss out before the offer ends."

Book by calling 119, by using the NHS App, or visit www.nhs.uk.