THREE parliamentary candidates for Hexham's constituency responded to the announcement of the General Election.

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak announced a snap election on Wednesday, May 22 which will take place on July 4.

Candidates including Liberal Democrat Dr Nick Cott, Labour's Joe Morris, and Hexham's incumbent Conservative MP Guy Opperman set out their views on the General Election.

William Clouston of the Social Democratic Party and Nick Morphet of the Green Party are also in the running for Hexham's next MP.

READ MORE: Labour 'confident but not complacent' taking election seats in Northumberland

Guy Opperman, current MP for Hexham and Ponteland, responded positively to the announcement.

He has served as the area's MP since 2010 and has already been re-selected to contest the constituency for the Tories.

"I welcome the Prime Minister calling a general election for July 4," Mr Opperman said.

"Throughout my time as the MP for Hexham, I have fought hard every single day to deliver for all communities across Tynedale and Ponteland. 

"We have secured record investment to rebuild our four local high schools.

"Apprenticeships are up by over 7,000 and unemployment is down by 52 per cent over the last four years. 

"On health, with a further £15 million going into Hexham General Hospital, we are expanding NHS services, meaning more people are receiving local care faster.  

"We have recruited an additional 20,000 police officers, meaning more police on our streets, tackling anti-social behaviour, and making our communities safer. 

"And I have consistently defended our local greenbelt, and I will fight to protect our greenbelt in the face of Labour’s plans to concrete over our green spaces. 

"This is the record I will be standing on at the next election, and I hope I can count on the support voters have shown me since 2010," he added.

The Tories have held Hexham's seat since 1923, bar the years between 1943 and 1951 when it was held by former Tory-turned Speaker of the House of Commons, Douglas Clifton Brown.

Hexham-born Joe Morris, Labour's candidate, was selected as the Party's representative last year.

He said: "I am proud to launch my campaign to be the first Labour MP for the Hexham constituency. I grew up here, and I know that our community deserves better than the past 14 years of Tory decline.

“Over the next few weeks, I will set out my plans to change our communities for the better.

"To fill the holes on our high streets, bring opportunities to our young people and ensure that our older generations can have the security of a care system that works.

"To get NHS dentistry back on its feet - as over 70 per cent of dentists in this constituency are not accepting new patients.

"To bring energy bills down, after the North East saw a rise of almost £700 on average in the last two years.

"To save families from the monthly £240 mortgage bombshell the Conservatives unfunded spending plans risk inflicting.

“Together we can change Hexham constituency - from Prudhoe to Haltwhistle, Allendale to Kielder and Ponteland to Throckley - for the better.”

Meanwhile, Dr Nick Cott, Liberal Democrat candidate for Hexham, grew up in the Tyne Valley and studied at Hexham’s Queen Elizabeth High School (QEHS). He was selected last year as the Party's candidate.

READ MORE: Liberal Democrat candidate announced for Hexham

In response to the start of the election campaign, Dr Cott said: "Like many people, I’m really angry after a decade of disastrous Conservative government.

"It has been a period of instability, with five prime ministers, all of whom have failed in their own ways. There has been a dearth of progress in tackling the great challenges facing society. A series of scandals have affected confidence in public life and in politicians. Change is needed. We need a new way of doing politics.

"Liberal Democrats recently set out our mini-manifesto – ‘Our Fair Deal’, which sets out an alternative vision for Britain.

"It sets out priorities for helping those struggling with the cost of living, support for our hard-pressed health services, support for education and investment in the green economy.

"It sets out a means to mend Britain’s trade relations with the world - destabilised by the Conservatives' bad Brexit deal - and offers a plan to fix our democracy with reform to the electoral system. This will all form the basis of the Liberal Democrat election manifesto which will be published shortly.  

"My team and I are really looking forward to setting out our Liberal Democrat alternative to the people of the Hexham constituency."