The new Police and Crime Commissioner for Northumbria has set out her priorities for her time in the job.

Susan Dungworth, the recently elected PCC, has made a clear commitment to creating safer streets and stronger communities.

Ms Dungworth confirmed her priorities in a meeting with the Chief Constable on May 9, her first day in the role.

She expressed her desire for a larger police presence and voiced her intention to advocate for local communities in order to fine-tune neighbourhood policing to their needs.

Hexham Courant: Susan Dungworth was elected earlier this month

Bringing a wealth of experience to the role as a former youth justice worker and councillor, she committed to addressing the challenges people face and working towards the right of every citizen to feel safe.

Police and Crime Commissioners play a vital role in representing the public on policing matters and in holding their local forces accountable.

Ms Dungworth was elected to her position on May 2, succeeding Kim McGuinness who held the post for five years after being elected in a by-election in July 2019.

The newly elected PCC has set down a list of priorities, including reducing serious and violent crime, tackling anti-social behaviour, strengthening neighbourhood policing, communicating with the public and advocating for properly funded police and public services.

Ms Dungworth said: "I have spent my life fighting for our communities and by taking on this role my fight is really stepping up a gear.

"I have been out there, speaking to people on their doorsteps for decades and I know the issues they have and the concerns they have.

"And so, my offer to people is clear – I’ll do everything I can to make our streets safer and our communities stronger.

"I moved up here in the eighties and have never left.

"I chose to raise my family here because of the community spirit and the people, and I want to make sure everyone else who chooses to work, live or visit here feels safe, protected and supported.

"Good neighbourhood policing is key to this."

She also said: "I now want to get going so together with the Chief Constable we can deliver safer streets and stronger communities for everyone in our area."

Chief Constable Vanessa Jardine reciprocated Ms Dungworth's sentiments, expressing her eagerness to collaborate with her to maintain safety within communities and to provide an excellent service as a force.

CC Jardine said: "I look forward to working with Susan to help ensure we can continue to keep our communities safe and be there when people need us.

"As a Force, we are absolutely determined to provide an outstanding service and I know this is a vision the Police and Crime Commissioner fully supports."

Ms Dungworth has set out her plan for the next few weeks saying: "Over the next few weeks, I’ll be listening, and I’ll be learning - what needs are being met and what aren’t.

"Consulting with the public and those we work with; I will then develop a plan that builds on existing success and sets out new ways to tackle the challenges and push Northumbria Police to be the best it can be."