A family law firm from Ponteland has raised thousands for three charities at a recent event.

Legal experts Major Family Law amassed a respectable sum of £6,000 for three charities at a 1980s themed disco.

The ticketed event was notably hosted by rugby union team the Newcastle Falcons, where guests enjoyed nostalgic tunes of the era before participating in a generous raffle.

Numerous local firms and the Falcons generously donated prizes for the raffle, with the commendable total of £6,000 earmarked for the Brain Tumour Charity, Feeding Families UK, and True Colours Theatre.

The Brain Tumour Charity was of particular importance to the company having previously raised an remarkable £37,000 for them at earlier events.

The firm's managing director, Joanne Major said: "This was a great opportunity to raise money for three very worthy causes and have a lot of fun doing so!

"We were honoured to have the founder of True Colours Theatre, Alisar Jane Taylor join us on the night, along with some of her colleagues, Shannon and Adam, and some of the children they support through their charity."

The law firm received praise from Alisar Jane Taylor, who said: "We were honoured to be chosen as one of the charities to benefit from the money raised at your fantastic 80's night.

"Our staff and members had a wonderful evening and the vital funds that we received will be put towards new equipment for our sensory garden."

Appreciation also came from the representatives of Feeding Families.

Their engagement manager, Rachel Lister, added: "We deeply appreciate the support of The Major Law Firm in choosing Feeding Families as one of their charitable causes to raise funds for at their event.

"The amount raised equates to 80 essential food boxes. It’s great to see a North East business rallying behind a local charity as it really exemplifies the powerful spirit of community within our region."

With a tone of conviction, Ms Major highlighted the significance of community and giving back: "We have had tough times, both individually and as part of our communities, but we want to do what we can to make life just that bit better for other people."