A PROPOSAL to install a new telegraph pole in Stocksfield has been submitted to Northumberland County Council.

The application was sent in by Fusion Fibre Group and was validated on Monday, May 13 2024 and will be placed on New Ridley Road.

On the application form, it said: "Notice of Intent to install Electronic Communications Apparatus, pursuant to The Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development Order) (Amended) 1995 and the Electronic Communications Code (Conditions and Regulations) 2003.

"As part of Fusion Fibre Group Ltd’s ongoing commitment to expand broadband accessibility and the Government’s Digital Britain policy, this is notification of our intention to install electronic communications apparatus pursuant to Regulation 5 of the Electronic Communications Code (2003), in accordance with Part 16 of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (Amendment No 2) (England) Order 2016 and in accordance with the Cabinet and Pole Siting Code of Practice 2016.

"No formal planning application or notice of prior approval is required for this development and there is no right of refusal or fee involved.

"This notification is made under Regulation 5 of the Electronic Communications Code (Conditions and Restrictions) Regulation 2003 and formally notifies the Local Planning Authority in writing, 1 calendar month in advance, of our intention to install the equipment."