There are dozens of driving myths believed by motorists across the country, making it difficult to know what rules are legitimate.

This is why the motoring experts over at the Automobile Association (AA) have picked some of the most commonly believed myths to debunk.

From eating while you drive to listening to music too loud, here are seven widely-believed myths debunked by the AA.

AA debunks 7 driving myths believed by motorists

Hexham Courant: (Canva) The AA debunks 7 common driving myths(Canva) The AA debunks 7 common driving myths (Image: Canva)

Here are the motoring myths believed by UK drivers that have been debunked by the AA.

Is it illegal to eat and drive?

The AA says there is no specific law prohibiting the consumption of food while you drive unless eating interferes with your driving and attention to the road.

An AA poll found that 1 in 10 Brits eat while they drive, so it's important motorists don't let eating distract them.

If you aren't in proper control of your car, you could be fined for careless driving, carrying a maximum penalty of £5,000, 3 to 9 points on your licence and a discretionary driving disqualification.

Is it illegal to drink soft drinks and coffee while driving?

Like the last myth, there is no law specifically banning the drinking of soft drinks and coffee while you drive unless this impedes your control of the vehicle.

Is it legal to smoke and drive?

As the law stands, it is illegal to smoke inside a car in the presence of anyone under the age of 18.

If the car is your own private vehicle that you sometimes use for business, you may smoke in it but if the car was supplied to you by your employer, you cannot.

It is not illegal to smoke in your car while you drive but the Highway Code lists it as a distraction, meaning drivers should avoid doing it.

Hexham Courant: (Canva) Careless driving carries a maximum penalty of £5,000, 3 to 9 points on your licence and a discretionary driving disqualification(Canva) Careless driving carries a maximum penalty of £5,000, 3 to 9 points on your licence and a discretionary driving disqualification (Image: Canva)

Can I drive 10% over the speed limit without breaking the law?

In theory, it is illegal to drive 1mph over the speed limit but because speedometers are not always accurate, police allow for some leeway.

The National Police Chief’s Council recommends only giving a speeding ticket if a driver tops the limit by 10% plus 2mph. This would mean driving 35mph in a 30mph zone.

However, it should be noted that this is up to the individual police officer to decide.

Is driving in heels, sliders, uggs or barefoot illegal?

Rule 97 of the Highway Code makes it clear that motorists must have "footwear and clothing which does not prevent (them) using the controls in the correct manner." So while it's not illegal to drive in heels or sliders, it's suggested you drive in more sensible footwear.

Can listening to music too loud land me a fine?

Rule 148 of the Highway Code states that safe driving and riding needs concentration, so all distractions should be avoided. 

Can items dangling from my rear-view mirror fail my MOT?

Obstruction of more than 4 cm could land you with a failed MOT. But realistically you’ll probably be told by your mechanic to remove the item.