A care provider in Northumberland has received an overall rating of 'Good' after its latest Care Quality Commission (CQC) inspection.

Shared Lives Northumberland offers support within a family household for adults unable to live alone due to age or disability.

In a report published last month, the care provider received individual ratings recognising it as 'Good' in the Safe, Effective, Responsive, and Well-Led categories.

It also received an 'Outstanding' rating in the caring category, leading it to be given an overall 'Good' rating.

According to the report: "People received remarkably personalised care and support from highly dedicated staff teams and shared lives carers. People succeeded in all aspects of their daily lives."

Northumberland County Councillor Wendy Pattison, cabinet member for caring for adults, said: “Shared Lives is a wonderful scheme which gives adults who need support the chance to live as part of a family in their carer’s own home.

“The opportunity to experience family life, sometime for the first time, is life-changing for so many adults.

“I am delighted that inspectors have recognised the tremendous contribution the carers, with support from our Shared Lives team, are making to people’s lives.”