Shaftoe Trust Academy has been named the deserving recipient of the Eco-School Green Flag of the Year award for 2023.

The award was bestowed by Eco-Schools England.

The Eco-Schools' annual report said Shaftoe's pupils are 'aware of environmental issues and are committed to being active and creating positive change'.

They praised the school’s 'imaginative, practical and fun' links within the national curriculum, and commended the students' 'great knowledge' of climate change and how the new United Nations 17 Sustainable Goals are linked.

One 'World Warror' in Shaftoe's eco-committee, Foden from Year 4, said: "I have enjoyed making lots of different types of animal homes for our school grounds, we even got to make a bird box from spare wood that we had at school and took the bird box home for our own garden.

"I have made many posters for schools, encouraging children to turn off the lights in classrooms when they are not in use. I even tell my mum at home to turn the lights off."

The students at Shaftoe Trust Academy's initiatives include introducing long-standing recycling schemes and lessening textile waste with a clothing bank.

Native trees, plants, and berry bushes have also been planted by the students who hope to enhance local wildlife through the creation of an orchard and a wildflower meadow.

Ellen, a Year 4 pupil, said: “We have planted lots of trees that are from England so that future wildlife can make nests for homes and use the fruits and berries for food."

In an effort to repurpose unused or unwanted items, Shaftoe organises an annual Swap Shop for clothes and toys.

The 'World Warriors', a group comprised of students from Years 1 to 6, have already established their route to attaining the next level of the Eco Award.

They recently initiated a fundraising event for 'Toilet Twinning', resulting in a new toilet for a facility in Malawi.

The school's headteacher, Mrs Phazey, said: "Our World Warriors have worked extremely hard to make positive changes for the future of our school and our local area.

"They are constantly thinking about how we can improve the school and they constantly make links in the curriculum to climate change."