A national survey has revealed positive maternity experiences at Northumbria Healthcare.

The Care Quality Commission's (CQC) survey assessed women's experiences at 121 NHS trusts and received responses from 25,515 women who had a baby in early 2023.

Northumbria Healthcare has been featured in an outliers report for 2023, with its performance being 'better than expected.

The proportion of women who responded positively to questions about their care during labour, birth, and on the ward after birth, was 'significantly above the trust average'.

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Northumbria Healthcare's head of midwifery, Katy Lissaman, said: "With even more respondents in this year’s survey, I’m delighted to see that we have been able to improve on last year's already high standard.

“Our staff continue to work incredibly hard to deliver safe, compassionate and personalised care to our patients, so it is reassuring that this is appreciated by those giving birth with us and that they are having a positive experience under our care."

The survey indicated Northumbria's results were not 'worse', 'somewhat worse', or 'much worse' than the majority of trusts in any sections.

Northumbria’s results were ‘much better than most’ for two questions, ‘better’ for ten questions, and ‘somewhat better’ for four questions, and about the same for the remaining 38 questions.