Tracey Locke-Murray is counting down the days until she will be jumping out of a plane for Cervical Cancer UK.

Tracey, who runs Fresh 'N' Thyme Mobile Fruit and Vegetables with her husband Mossie as well as Hallbarns B&B, Simonburn in Hexham, will be skydiving for the charity on March 23.

Hexham Courant: Tracey with her husband Mossie with their business vanTracey with her husband Mossie with their business van (Image: Tracey Locke-Murray)

Tracey chose the activity as a 50th birthday present last year, but instead of it just being that, she decided to make it a charity fundraiser, so she asked for donations from family and friends instead of gifts.

"It was always on my bucket list of things to do, so I asked to do a skydive and my husband Mossie got me it for my 50th," Tracey said.

"I thought that by doing something this big, is silly to do it without a reason, so I chose to fundraise for Cervical Cancer UK.

"I chose this charity, as it doesn't get much attention unlike Macmillan and Cancer Research, so I'd thought I'd do it for them to raise awareness and attention for them.

"Thankfully, I am not doing it alone, as I have a group of friends going up with me, so that helps a lot with my nerves.

"I am excited to do it but also very nervous. I am not a big fan of heights, but I abseiled down Langley Castle a few years ago, that was 90 feet, so it was nothing compared to this.

"So far we have raised £250 but we have a goal of around £500, which we are hoping to smash."