Lyndsey Ruttersford, co-owner of Corbridge Sandwich Bar, has been praised for raising over £8,000 for different charities since lockdown via her non-profit organisation 'Cash for Causes'.

Lyndsey set it up during lockdown to cheer the community up and has continued to fundraise money for different projects in Tynedale.

When the Hexham Courant asked Tynedale residents who they thought deserved our 'Trader of the Week', Lyndsey was nominated several times.

One resident, Gemma McShane said: “She continues to raise money as well as now running the local Corbridge Sandwich Bar with her sister. She has done so much to help others and supported so many causes."

Speaking about when it all began, Lyndsey said: "I started doing a weekly bonus ball during lockdown as it was just for a bit of fun for everyone and a bit of extra cash for people to win when everyone was not working.

"The charity aspect started when my husband’s auntie passed away in 2020 from MND the family wanted to raise money for a memorial bench.

Hexham Courant: The bench for Lyndsey's husband's auntyThe bench for Lyndsey's husband's aunty (Image: Lyndsey Rutterford)

"So, I started doing little raffles to help with the fundraising. So, the winner received £50, and the fundraiser got £50.

"It all went from there really and over the last four years we've donated to various national and local charities including Corbridge Youth Initiative, Macmillan, Cancer Research, Mind, Corbridge branch British legion, Chrysalis.

"I'm not entirely sure on the exact amount we've raised but I estimate it to be around seven or eight thousand.

"All the members of Cash for Causes play the raffles; bingo bonus ball and the money are split between them and whichever charity they choose to donate it too.

"Our next project is for a bench for a Corbridge resident who sadly passed away just before Christmas at just 40 years old.

"I am really surprised with the amount of support I received at the time, as no one was working at the then, but everyone really gets on board with everything we do, especially for the local charities.

"Corbridge is a very special community."