Slaley Community Shop has been shortlisted to win a Countryside Alliance Award in the Village Shop category.

Entering its sixteenth year, these awards celebrate British food, farming, enterprise and heritage through small, resolute businesses.

It is set apart from others in that it is driven by public nomination, allowing people to recommend their favourite businesses for national recognition.

This year, the awards garnered more than 17,000 nominations, making Slaley Community Shop's shortlisting a significant achievement.

The shop, which began operations in March 2017, provides fresh and convenient food and household items for local residents and tourists.

It also offers a diverse range of locally produced items and a fine assortment of wines and local beers.

When the previous owners retired, the shop was too small to entice a commercial buyer, posing the risk of the village losing its shop.

But the community rallied together and bought the shop with investments from over 150 members.

The shop is entirely managed by approximately 50 volunteers, demonstrating true community endeavour.

Hexham Courant: Countryside Alliance Awards celebrate British food, farming, enterprise and heritage through small,

Countryside Alliance Awards director, Sarah Lee, expressed her delight at the level of participation.

She said: "We have been overwhelmed by nominations this year.

"The secret to the Rural Oscars' popularity is that they honour the people involved in these businesses and not just their produce or services.

"They exist to sing the praises of those who work hard to keep our communities and rural economy ticking, but don’t seek the spotlight.

"These awards provide a cause for celebration in a time of great uncertainty in the countryside.

"Our local produce is second to none and there are many community heroes and businesses worthy of national recognition".

Sharing her excitement, Sandra Innes, chair of Slaley Community Shop, added: "We are absolutely delighted to have reached the finals of the Countryside Alliance Awards.

"Our volunteers are a fantastic team, and are very much appreciated by the local community, but it is wonderful for them to receive wider recognition for the amazing job they do."

The winners, who will be chosen through a public vote in February, will be announced in the spring.

The champions from each region will compete against each other, with the national champion set to be declared at the House of Lords, in a special reception in June.