A new tyre and battery business has opened in Hexham.

Lloyd Tyres is now open having taken over a site once owned by Hexham Tyre & Battery Co. Ltd.

Based just off Alemouth Road, Hexham, the business began full operations in November, following refurbishments to improve the customer experience.

General Manager Keith Leggett said: "Lloyd Tyres is a really exciting business so I jumped at the chance to work with Barry Lloyd and his team to develop this new commercial opportunity.

"We have got an excellent group of experienced tyre fitters who all work well together so it is a really good place to work and for our customers to come to.

"We are already getting really positive feedback, which is great after so short a time.

In regards to future plans, Mr Leggett said: "As a result, we are now planning to expand with new premises in other locations, and we have opened a store near Carlisle to give our Haulage and Agricultural customers a more local service."

Branch Manager Kevin Seymour added: "The location just next to Tesco is ideal for drop-in customers and we have spent a lot of time straightening out the site to make it more welcoming.

"We are offering a 24/7 service to commercial customers across the region.

"We have had a dedicated van built for fitting car tyres at either the roadside or at home or work as so many cars do not have a spare wheel anymore."

The new business is run by Barry Lloyd, chief executive of Lloyd Ltd, a large machinery dealer group in the region.

He said: "Keith and Kevin know everything there is to know about the tyre business, and they have an excellent group of fitters to back them up.

"I’ve worked in business for over 50 years and it is clear that focusing on customers makes all the difference, and that comes naturally to the Lloyd Tyres team.

"From commercial customers who need their vehicles to be on the move as quickly as possible to private customers who need help and advice in choosing the right tyre for their car at the right price, I know that anyone who comes to Lloyd Tyres will value the personal and professional service the team provides.

"We look forward to seeing more local people as we get better known in the area and supporting them to keep them on the road.”