We found some of the best Hexham Courant Camera Club pictures from readers.

Lee Johnston shared this image of the Aurora, captured by Beverley Leetham over Cawfields Quarry.

Hexham Courant: Lee Johnston shared this image of the Aurora, captured by Beverley Leetham over Cawfields QuarryLee Johnston shared this image of the Aurora, captured by Beverley Leetham over Cawfields Quarry (Image: Hexham Courant Camera Club)

Gayle Wright shared this image of Bellingham on a frosty day.

Hexham Courant: Gayle Wright shared this image of the River Tyne at Bellingham on a cold and frosty dayGayle Wright shared this image of the River Tyne at Bellingham on a cold and frosty day (Image: Hexham Courant Camera Club)

John Sharp shared this Aurora shot from Haltwhistle.

Hexham Courant: John Sharp shared this Aurora shot from HaltwhistleJohn Sharp shared this Aurora shot from Haltwhistle (Image: Hexham Courant Camera Club)

Adrian Leadbitter shared this image of some cold ponies in the snow.

Hexham Courant: Adrian Leadbitter shared this image of some cold ponies in the snowAdrian Leadbitter shared this image of some cold ponies in the snow (Image: Camera Club)