A dance studio is pleased to have helped to fundraise over £35,000 for charity and hopes to break a world record next year.

Kay Sams, owner and teacher at Studio K Dance in Hexham challenged her pupils to take part in a 'tapathon'; around organised by The Performers Project to attempt to break the world record of the most people dancing the same routine on the same day and time for Children In Need.

Kay said:" I first heard about the tapathon organised by The Performers Project in 2014 as a world record attempt to beat the most people dancing the same routine on the same day and time.

"I then learned that the profits made all go to Children In Need. 

"As a dance teacher primarily teaching children, I just thought it would be fantastic to get our local community involved in both a child based fundraiser and a world the record attempt.

"It would be an amazing accomplishment for the students and to feel part of a national event.

"So we began taking part in 2015 and the money is raised by each dancers learning one of two routines for advanced and beginners.

"This year was to Wake me up before you go go by Wham! then we all purchased a CIN Tapathon t-shirt for £10.

"The T-shirt is worn on the day and used to help verify the participants for the record count. We had 28 dancers from my studio, some who had only been Tap dancing eight weeks.

"They were amongst the 7384 U.K. dancers who took part just falling a little short of the current record of 7596.

"I am thrilled our studio dancers have been able to contribute to raising so much especially for CIN, my younger students in particular often come to class wearing pudsey accessories anyway so when I told them they would be apart of “Pudsey bear day” as they call it they were jumping with excitement.

"All dancers received a certificate of participation which we handed out ceremoniously at the end which was such a joy to see how proud everyone felt afterwards.

"I would encourage anyone who fancied giving tap a go to begin with getting involved in further tapathons with their being a beginners routine.

"I usually begin teaching it towards the summer and would be thrilled to add more Hexham locals next year to raise even more money and finally beat the record."