LAST week, it was announced that Barnardo's will be moving into the premises of the former Poundland store on 5 -7 Priestpopple, Hexham, in the new year.

This means that there will be some life in the site that has been vacant since the cheap chain store closed in 2021.

It also means that there will be more than 10 charity shops now in Hexham, as it will be joining other non-profit organisations such as Cancer Research UK, OXFAM on the high street.

Here is how our readers reacted to the news.

Resident Daphne Scott said:"Not another one!! We will be recognized as the charity town. Noticed building work inside the building cant believe we are having another charity shop.

"One has just opened next door to Antonios we need a shop selling fabric wool etc. another florist wouldnt go amis. Lower the rates to try to encourage some retailers to take interest with the smaller closed shops."

This was agreed by Sophie Bowman who adds: "I hate to see empty shops but this is getting ridiculous now, ANOTHER charity shop!?"

Pauline Johnson Wallis comments:"With all the money that is being spent on the town centre to make it look more attractive, this is an absolute insult to all the lovely shops we have in Hexham who pay through the nose to trade here. Believe me, I am a very charitable person but enough is enough. Please encourage more independent shops or high street chains to make Hexham work again."

Cody Doherty was looking on the positive side. He said: "End of the day it’s better than an empty shop.