We found some of the best Hexham Courant Camera Club pictures from readers.

Dawn Mole shared this sunrise from East Woodburn.

Hexham Courant: Dawn Mole shared this sunrise from East WoodburnDawn Mole shared this sunrise from East Woodburn (Image: Hexham Courant Camera Club)

Les Bestford shared this image of the night sky.

Hexham Courant: Les Bestford shared this image of the night skyLes Bestford shared this image of the night sky (Image: Hexham Courant Camera Club)

Iain Scott shared this image of Beacon Point at Newbiggin-by-the-Sea.

Hexham Courant: Iain Scott shared this image of Beacon Point at Newbiggin-by-the-SeaIain Scott shared this image of Beacon Point at Newbiggin-by-the-Sea (Image: Hexham Courant Camera Club)

Gemma Brown shared this image of the Aurora Borealis.

Hexham Courant: Gemma Brown shared this image of the Aurora BorealisGemma Brown shared this image of the Aurora Borealis (Image: Camera Club)