Hexham MP Guy Opperman and local Councillor Nick Oliver, visited Corbridge Middle School for UK Parliament Week.

The annual November event sees pupils across Northumberland participating in classes and activities on democracy and British values.

This year, Guy Opperman MP and Northumberland County Councillor for Corbridge, Nick Oliver, held an assembly with pupils at Corbridge Middle School.

Guy Opperman MP said: "Engaging young people in the UK democratic system is vital to upholding our precious institutions, and it was fantastic to see pupils at Corbridge Middle School so interested in politics at both a local and a national level.

"I was impressed at how much the Year 8 pupils cared about their local area, and the confidence they had in offering ideas to make Corbridge an even better place to live."

Echoing Opperman's sentiments, Councillor Nick Oliver said: "The Year 8 students we met at Corbridge Middle School were as expected, well informed and equipped with a range of clearly thought through views on various national issues and policies they would like to see in their school.

"It was an engaging and enjoyable visit and it's clear that the future of democracy is alive and well".

The assembly was part of a wider 'British Values and Democracy' module.

Deputy Headteacher, Dean Johnston said: "As part of our 'British Values & Democracy' unit, Year 8 pupils attended an assembly in which we welcomed Guy Opperman and Nick Oliver who gave their insight into this PSHE theme."