The Sele First School in Hexham has unveiled their spectacular art project inspired by the National Gallery.

The school, participating in the Take One Picture project for over 15 years, encourages students to develop a passion for art through the initiative designed by the National Gallery London.

This term, all classes were involved in producing artworks based on 'Eendracht, and a fleet of Dutch men of war' by Ludolf Bakhuizen.

The painting was chosen by the school's young Art Ambassadors, who also helped to inform some of the activities.

The project, coordinated by Art Lead and Year Four teacher Mr Watson, saw students indulging in various activities such as sewing, acrylic rock painting, and sketching.

A whale tail, a product of six full days of dedication, was made by the collective handiwork of over 150 pairs of hands.

The children applied modroc and paint on a wooden frame for the base layer, and then added layers of wool, beautifully recreating the spectrum of colours found at sea.

The artful results were shared and celebrated by families during a school open day on October 26.