There are over 11 million UK residents currently aged 65 and over, and this number is projected to rise to 13 million, accounting for 22 per cent of the overall population in the next decade.

Maintaining mental and physical health through ongoing learning and regular exercise can boost longevity, a concept fully embraced nationally by organisations such as u3a.

This week marks 'u3a week,' and Tynedale u3a is one of over 1,000 charities associated with the peer-led network across Britain, devoted to promoting enjoyable learning and companionship in later life.

Anyone who is no longer worker full-time or caring for family can join Tynedale u3a.

Activities range from monthly meetings to outdoor trips.

Upcoming discussions revolve around topics from the red squirrels of Coquetdale to the transition from oil and gas, and there will also be visits to Levens Hall, Kendal and the Great Tapestry of Scotland.

Members can participate in over 50 interest groups, including arts, books, science, languages, and nature exploration.

New groups are frequently introduced, ensuring there's always something for everyone.

Walking trips to Haltwhistle burn and geological adventures to the Malham Cove area in North Yorkshire are currently on offer.

For more information, visit: