NORTHUMBERLAND County Council is promoting a new programme in Hexham which offers free walking tours of the town throughout the summer.

Hexham Heritage Guides are offering free 90-minute tours of the town in order to give residents and visitors the chance to better understand Hexham and its history. 

The tours, which will take place on alternate Saturdays, promise to highlight points of interest including many buildings and Hexham’s famous and infamous residents, embellished by the volunteer guides’ own knowledge.

Guides will also be provided with a Wi-Fi communications system to ensure the tours can be properly enjoyed even on a busy, noisy day.

Heritage Guides group was formed through a partnership between the government-funded programme led by Historic England, dubbed the 'High Street Heritage Action Zone,' and the Northumberland County Council. 

Northumberland County Councillor Jeff Watson said: "The heritage tours are an amazing opportunity for everyone to find out more about the wonderful history of Hexham.

"The tours aim to protect, commemorate and celebrate that history and build local pride in where we live, while at the same time showcasing the town's heritage countrywide.

"They follow a similar route to the local heritage trail which is available on an app, however, we appreciate that not everyone wants to receive their information through their phone and would prefer a more interactive experience."

Hexham Heritage Guides are also being supported by the Hexham Community Partnership to ensure that tours will continue to be offered in the future.

Richard Butterfield from Historic England said: "It’s wonderful to see local people giving up their free time to share their love of Hexham’s history.

"I’m delighted that these tours will continue after the High Street Heritage Action Zone has concluded, enabling visitor and locals the chance to continue to experience them over the coming years.”