A CONTROVERSIAL application to build three new homes in Prudhoe has been granted planning permission.

It was decided in February that Northumberland County Council planners would make a decision on whether the detached houses could be built on land east of Tulip Street, instead of councillors.

Prudhoe Town Council had objected to the proposals on the grounds of access and car parking, while three residents of neighbouring properties had also objected and had concerns about loss of light to their homes as well as highways safety.

Cllr Angie Scott, who represents the Prudhoe North ward, felt local residents were not having their voices heard on the issue.

She said at the time: "As vice chair of the Local Area Council I originally asked for this planning application to come to a Local Area Council meeting and a site visit was recommended. My reasoning for this request was that Prudhoe Town Council raised concerns over access and did not support the application.

"My request was declined, which means that local councillors and residents don’t have a chance to speak about concerns in regards to this matter. I find it frustrating and disappointing that I was not allowed the opportunity to air the views of local residents, who I know had concerns about the plans."

A spokesman for the county council responded: "For a number of years we have been deciding which planning application decisions are dealt with by public committee in a transparent and consistent manner. Local members can request a planning application to come before a committee.

"However this is not an automatic trigger,  and is the decision of the committee chair/vice chair with advice from the chief planning officer. A chair referral report is prepared for each committee or delegated decision and this is publicly available."

Officers have now granted planning permission for the homes subject to various conditions, a decision notice issued on the county council's planning portal shows.

Each home will have three bedrooms.