An annual theatre production returns to a town.

The classic story of Wind inn the Willows will return be returning to Cornenside Parish Hall after taking a break due to the pandemic.

The tale follows the adventure of Mole, Ratty Badger and Toad, which be performed by Northumberland Theatre Company

Clerk of Cornenside Council, Chris Elizabeth Woodcock said: "Corsenside Parish Council are 'delighted' to welcome Northumberland Theatre Company who will be performing Wind in the Willows on January, Wednesday 11 at 6:30pm

"Usually a much loved annual event Covid has prevented a Christmas Play from taking place here for the last two years.

"The Parish Council at Corsenside, which includes East and West Woodburn as well as Ridsdale and surrounding areas, hope the play will be well attended by local families. Performed in NTC’s usual fast paced, physical style with live music, song, plenty of laughs and uplifting and joyous moments it is sure to be a brilliant night out.

"The panto will take place in Corsenside Parish Hall in the heart of West Woodburn and provides a much needed local event for the rural community to enjoy on their doorstep. The show begins at 6.30pm and comprises of two 35 minute halves with an interval in-between.

"Events such as these are a great boost to the parish and serve to support local amenities so help from the community to ensure they are well attended is very much appreciated.

"Events such as these are a great boost to the parish and serve to support local amenities so help from the community to ensure they are well attended is very much appreciated."

Tickets are still available and can be obtained by contacting the Parish Clerk ( or visiting West Woodburn Shop.

Prices are £7 for an adult, £3.50 for concessions and £17 for a family of four.