A PUB in Corbridge has had their planned kitchen extension approved by Northumberland County Council.

The delegated report said: "Planning permission is sought for the construction of a new single storey timber rear extension to form additional facilities to a commercial kitchen and installation of extractor ducting and cowl at the Dyvels Hotel public house, Station Road, Corbridge."

The main issues for consideration in this application were determined to be: the principle of the development and the impact on the Green Belt, the design and visual impact on the Listed Building and amenities, and the potential flood risk.

The Northumberland Local Plan is a collection of documents containing planning policies used to assess applications.

Hexham Courant: An amended plan of the existing and proposed elevationsAn amended plan of the existing and proposed elevations

Policy STP 1 (Spatial Strategy) of the Northumberland Local Plan says: "Development in the open countryside should be sensitive to its surroundings, not have an unacceptable impact upon the local road network and use previously developed land where opportunities exist."

The proposed development involves an extension to an existing current house, and it was decided it did not go against the rules of the Policy.

The delegated report said: "The proposed extension would facilitate additional storage space for an existing commercial kitchen at a well-established public house.

"It is considered that the proposal would aid the growth of an existing business and would consist of a limited extension that would be subordinate to the original building and would not substantially increase its size."

The report added: "The limited scale of the development means the proposal would not be inappropriate development within the Green Belt, nor would it result in disproportionate additions over and above the original building, and as such would not have a materially greater impact on the openness of the Green Belt than the existing building."

Due to the small scale and positioning of the proposed extension, it was decided the extension wouldn't affect the setting, character or appearance of the building, the nearby Listed Building, or surrounding area.

The Environment Agency and Lead Local Flood Authorities (LLFA) also agreed the extension didn't pose a risk to an increase in surface water, within the site or elsewhere.

The LLFA posed no objection, and no response was received from Corbridge Parish Council regarding the application.