Readers reacted to a residents letter on new changes to the Local Government system in Cumbria that will see a role created for a Directly Elected Mayor.

The letter said: "Do we live in a democracy or don’t we? And if we do, is it still a democracy worthy of the name?

"It was reported that 'a Cabinet minister has said the Government will use its powers to create a Mayor of Cumbria'.

"It went on that local leaders will be given the chance to bid for a combined mayoral authority, appointing a Mayor of Cumbria. Michael Gove, the Secretary of State for Levelling-Up, Housing and Communities, has said he will use powers to make sure it happens, even if there is some dissent.”

Lorraine Mary Alfaro commented: "Because it is all about reducing the number of MPs we have in Parliament to represent Cumbria. Why? Because it is redrawing the boundaries in favour of conservatives prior to the next election. It’s actually reducing the level of democratic representation and voices that we have in Parliament fighting for Cumbria."

Paul Goodwin, said: "How can it be democratic when the people haven't had a vote to say we want a Cumbria mayor in the first place? Isn't that the democratic process or are we just bypassing the process.

Nic Barnes commented: "The Mayor of London has done a great job stopping all youth crime in the great capital city so hopefully a mayor of Carlisle can stop all the youth crime in the great border city."

Paul Reay said: "I'll put my name forward, I'll sort the roads clean all the weeds fron the streets and rubbish I'll use offenders to do all crap dirty jobs that council canot afford ,make town centers a nice place to go , make sure police presents on the streets at all times, make shop owners keep the frontage clean and presentable."

Peter Blakemore commented: "No more pointless over paid positions needed thanks.

"We should be scrapping all the mayor roles, the whole government system in this country is outdated, old fashioned and out of touch."

Carol Spright, said: "For gods sake why does Cumbria need a Mayor, what a waste of our money."