An animal charity believes that pets bought in lockdown have become a big issue for them to rehome.

The RSPCA's Northumberland West branch in Hexham has reported a rise in number of lockdown pets being handed to them or even dumped on the side of the road due to owners being unprepared for the commitment when returning back to normal life.

Although many pets such as dogs and cats were bought in lockdown, it was rabbits that became the most popular pet.

Trustee of the branch Jan Ormiston said: " Rabbit sales increased by 200% in lockdown and now we are being inundated with rabbits from people who were unprepared for the commitment needed.

"We believe that many rabbits have been bought as starter pets or children and then it is realised they are complex animals.

"They have often been bought as a pair – which normally have been wrongly sexed and has had an unwanted litter.

"We think that the cost is too much for owners, as it costs more than £100 to neuter a rabbit and then they also need vaccinations but also a microchip. We have never had a microchipped rabbit come into our care.

"We are the only RSPCA branch in the North East to take in rabbits. We have 53 so far and we have to turn some away."

The second most popular pets bought in lockdown were dogs. And like rabbits, RSCPA have found that owners may not have been prepared for the commitment.

Jan said : "One dog, a Border Collie called Chase is an example of a lockdown dog.

"He had spent his entire life outside in a yard while his owners were at work.

"He had no socialisation of human contact and when he arrived in the kennels he spent days cowering in the corner refusing to move.

"After four days he was able to be on a lead. A few months on and he now goes on walks and socialises with other dogs and humans."

RSPCA Northumberland West branch are hoping to find Chase and their rabbits a new home. Rehoming officers are wanting an experienced owner of border collies so his progress is not lost.

If you or anyone you know are interested call John Billany on 07519-876789 or