Hexham’s Slimming World consultants say they are excited to be back helping members to lose weight and improve their fitness in person.

Slimming World had been supporting members virtually in online weekly groups since March 2020 when lockdown was first introduced.

But now real-life groups are beginning to reopen fully following the easing of restrictions.

Nici Dodd, consultant at Hexham Masonic Hall, said: “I’m delighted to finally be back together with my members!

“Our virtual groups have been a vital lifeline of support and I’m so, so proud of how my members have been there for each other through these difficult months and continued to lose weight and get more active.

“There’s nothing quite like the magic of our-real groups though, and research of our members during lockdown has shown that while our members have loved attending their virtual groups they’ve missed the motivational power and accountability of meeting in person each week.”

Caroline Elsom-Markins, consultant at Hexham Community Centre, said: "There really is no better time to start afresh when it comes to developing new lifelong healthy habits around food and activity."

Caroline’s Slimming World group runs Monday 9:30am, 11am, 5pm & 6:30pm at Hexham Community Centre. Nici’s Slimming World Group runs Tuesday 5:30pm & 7pm at Hexham Masonic Hall. For more information visit www.slimmingworld.co.uk or contact Caroline on 07500 336943 or Nici on 07730 582570.