IN a bumper year that saw a record number of osprey eggs laid on seven active nests in Kielder Water & Forest Park, this year’s 16 remaining Kielder ospreys are currently earning their ‘wings’ before they head off to sunnier climes.

In total, 18 osprey eggs are known to have been laid on nests that could be monitored, with 11 chicks surviving to be ringed and a further five youngsters born on ‘wild’ and inaccessible nests.

This week, all 16 juvenile birds have now fledged and have been spotted flying around the forest.

There have been six more successful fledglings than the previous record.

Kielder osprey expert Joanna Dailey said: “To see the ospreys flying around Kielder is always wonderful, especially this year given the tough conditions prior to hatching.

“The youngsters are now gaining flying experience, often with the adults, before they head off to sunnier climes.

"Osprey mothers usually leave on migration around the middle of the month, with the fathers and youngsters following individually at the end of August."

Enthusiasts can read this year’s timeline of activity at and watch the live action from Nest 6 via a screen at the Sea Diner catering unit in the grounds of Kielder Castle.

Or visit to watch Elsin, one of the first ospreys to be born to a father who fledged in Northumberland, take off for the first time from Nest 5A.

The Kielder Osprey Project is a partnership between Kielder Water & Forest Park Development Trust, Forestry England, Northumberland Wildlife Trust, Northumbrian Water and Calvert Kielder.