PONTELAND Health Walks meet at 10:30 every Tuesday outside Ponteland Leisure Centre.

All the walks are free and are led by a team of volunteers.

Designed to last between 60 and 90 minutes, the walks are all on good local footpaths and require no specialist equipment other than sunscreen, suitable footwear and a jacket to keep you warm and dry.

The walks take place in all weathers and will continue over the winter.

The distance covered each week is between 2.5 and 3.5 miles.

Ponteland Health Walks are part of the Ramblers nationwide Walking for Health Scheme which is supported locally by Active Northumberland at Ponteland Leisure Centre.

Assistance dogs only please.

For more information, or just want to chat to someone about the walks please contact Gordon Allan on 07936 135469 or e-mail gordon.allan915@btinternet.com