Pam Nobbs, Lay Reader at St John Lee Parish Church, comments on Mark 4 v 35 – 41:

This week we have Jesus calming the waves of a storm. He is just getting into his ministry on earth and in the midst of open air speaking to the people gathered around him he also carried out many spectacular miracles.

Jesus’ miracles were of different types. There were many healings but also the so-called ‘nature’ miracles such as the one before us today, where he demonstrated his supreme power over even the elements of our created world.

The Sea or Lake of Galilee is 680 feet below sea level and is surrounded by hills. Winds blow up and suddenly whip up severe storms even catching out seasoned fishermen such as the disciples with Jesus. Not only that but the Jews of Jesus’ time on the whole were very fearful of water: they believed strange monsters lived in the depths and avoided getting in. They often couldn’t swim.

During the storm that blew up on the Lake that evening the disciples became very distressed but Jesus managed to sleep! Having been woken up by them Jesus calms the storm by just speaking words to the wind and the waves.

The frightened disciples naturally were amazed – though they had just received a mild telling off from Jesus for being lacking in faith.

Jesus was physically present with his friends and concerned for them and yet at the same time was able to call on his divine powers to exercise his authority over the created things of this world.

This story is part of the revealing of whom Jesus was as a human person and who he was, and still is, as God. Jesus is alive today and is still in the business of calming storms; including your own personal ones. Just ask him!