Three key questions about the revived proposal for a trial lynx release in Kielder keep being treated as one.

Is re-introducing lynx an ecologically-sound idea? Is Kielder an appropriate location for the long-term viability of a lynx population? And, is Lynx UK Trust the right outfit to run such a project?

It insists the answer to all three is yes; we don’t agree.

While research is more positive about the general potential, it remains our view that no serious ecologist would propose a trial in a habitat that could not support a healthy, truly wild, breeding population in the long term.

Second, we do not believe any serious ecologist would propose a scheme on forestry land like Kielder, where numerous biodiversity projects are ongoing (and where deer numbers are already managed), without first fully consulting Forestry England and Scotland ecologists and managers.

Forestry England's press office confirmed no approach had been made.

Third, we do not believe any responsible ecologist would propose release of any live animal without first doing extensive modelling of all the impacts on the specific location, including on surrounding livestock, and on the released animals’ own welfare.

If there were ever to be a trial release in Kielder, the obvious choice to oversee would be the Forestry England’s own ecologists in partnership with expert bodies with proven track-records.

Such collaborations have recently resulted in thoroughly researched, carefully planned and consulted, responsibly monitored, biodiversity enrichment projects (including species reintroduction), in which we can all have confidence.

