A local initiative is spearheading a survey to better understand present and future training issues for the workforce in farming and rural enterprises across Tynedale.

The Northumberland Community Development Company (NCDC) have worked across Northumberland for almost two decades supporting people, businesses and communities in collective action on training.

“With the complex challenges of Covid-19 and current restrictions, there is no denying it is a very difficult, changing time for farming and rural businesses,” said John McGough, NCDC director.

“Added to this the sector is likely to experience fast-paced changes with the onset of Brexit and the hope of business growth for both our local and national rural economy.

“This research is fundamental to ensuring we better understand the skills and training required to enable the development and retention of workers and jobs in our rural settings.”

Earlier this year, the NCDC launched the Tynedale Rural Information Service to provide a listening ear to vulnerable residents affected by the impact of Covid-19.

John McGough, NCDC Director said: “This service has been developed as many residents, living in rural communities across Tynedale have few places to to turn, especially evenings and weekends.”

Other NCDC projects include business, individuals and enterprise support by offering a range of support including courses, events, workshops and individual support programmes.

Courses include dry stone walling and emergency first aid at work.

The findings of the survey will be shared with participants, Northumberland County Council and other relevant agencies.

For more information contact the NCDC on 01434 320228 or request a survey by e-mail at ncdcimpact@gmail.com