MAY I send you my personal thanks for including the letter from Sue Todd the Hexham Courant (Courant, January 30) regarding the ever-growing facebook group, 'Keep The Wannies Wild' (KTWW), and their earnest opposition to Lord Devonport's plan to impose a huge and unwelcome art installation at one of Northumberland's most tranquil locations, Cold Law.

Whilst it will of course be for the Planning Inspectorate to ultimately determine the answer to this febrile question, there is a growing feeling amongst group members that the naming of the proposed installation as the "Elizabeth Landmark" is pure contrivance, intended only to garner a greater level of support and assist in the proposal's success.

There is no Royal link. Lord Devonport's desire to erect such a dominant sculpture in an otherwise remote and well-loved beauty spot is regarded by many KTWW members as essentially being a vanity project.

May I therefore humbly request the Courant possibly cease referring to the proposed artwork as the "Queen's Monument", as we believe this misnomer is only extant in the mind of the proposer, Lord Devonport.

To see it in print perhaps gives an air of undeserved legitimacy to the proposal, which terminology may then well be influential during the appeal process.

Perhaps you could simply use the artwork's given name of 'Ascendant' in your paper, as your pictures of the piece convey the image admirably well. I would wish it to be perfectly clear however, that Her Majesty is as well loved among our membership as she is within your wider readership, and, whilst our group is steadfastly against the imposition of Lord Devonport's folly in our landscape, our respect for Her Majesty the Queen, remains entirely undiminished.

