It was sad to see Barclays Bank banning cash facilities for customers at post offices.

Barclays should help to convert ploughshares into shared banks. With two million people reported to be unable to read standard print and millions more with mobility issues, local services are essential.

So why isn’t Barclays building good will by supporting Post Office ‘hubs’?

We need a space in each village with postal and cafe facilities.

There should be a private room which each high street bank could use half a day a week and council staff planners and welfare rights experts at other times. Add to the hub library services at a fixed time each week. Add, too, lockers where people can collect their large internet packages.

Ideally, each hub would have a PC so residents can watch talks on Northumbrian history or have wider discussions on new developments in farming via NFU webinars.All of these users provide the economies of scale and reduce costs.

Ok, Brits whinge and elderly Brits whinge more - I am one. But communities in rural Scotland, Wales and England are being let down.

Politicians at the moment aren't useful, so please can they employ practical people who understand the 21st century?

