MEMBERS from two amateur dramatic groups from the district were celebrating after they took home prestigious awards.

Ponteland Repertory Society won the award for the best drama in the north for their performance of The Crucible in spring 2019. The play followed the true story of the Salem witch trials which occurred in colonial Massachusetts in the 1690s.

On the same night, Prudhoe’s Dragon Tale Theatre Group won the award for the best pantomime in the north for their performance of classic tale Jack and the Beanstalk.

The winners were announced at the National Operatic and Dramatic Awards evening, which took place at the Grand Hotel in Gosforth.

Ponteland Repertory Society’s publicity officer, Lesley Eltringham, said: “This is a complex and difficult play but the whole company challenged it with enthusiasm, determination and energy.

“The stars, Jules Stevenson Warrender as Elizabeth Proctor and Jonny Woollett as John Proctor, deserve a special mention for their superb performances, provoking real tears in some of the audience.

“This is an outstanding achievement for our local society.”

Dragon Tale will be performing Rapunzel for this year’s pantomime, with performances starting on October 30. Meanwhile, Ponteland Repertory Society’s next production will be Alice: The Musical, starting on December 4.