NORTHUMBRIA’S Police and Crime Commissioner has expressed grave concerns that rape victims will be forced to hand over their mobile phones, or risk prosecutions not going ahead.

Consent forms asking alleged victims for permission to access information including emails, messages and photographs have been rolled out in England and Wales, after a number of rape and serious sexual assault cases collapsed when crucial evidence emerged at the last minute.

But victim support groups have said the move could stop victims coming forward, and Dame Vera Baird QC has warned against the move.

She said there was a public safety issue which could see serial rapists walk free if victims did not come forward because they did not want every element of their private life examined.

“This is not consent,” she said. “This is an authority figure telling you to sign a form as soon as you have finished an interview which may be reliving what is one of the most horrific experiences of your life.

“If you don’t agree, that’s the end of the case and you’ve just done the interview for nothing”.