THE following planning applications have been submitted for consideration by Northumberland County Council.

Ponteland: Vanessa Jordan, proposed erection of fencing to encompass the entire curtilage of our property, 2 Pont Haugh, Eland Mews, Ref. No. 16/04226/FUL.

Rochester: Julie Nichols, proposed building to store forestry tools/ equipment and provide shelter for working, 1 Burnfoot Cottages, Cottonshopeburn Foot, Ref. No. 16/04451/AGRGDO.

Lowgate: Bluesky Resorts Ltd, discharge of conditions 5 (landscaping) and 9 (drainage) of approved planning application 16/00950/VARYCO, Heathergate Country Park. Ref. No. 16/04322/DISCON.

For further details, contact Northumberland County Council’s planning department at Hadrian House, Hexham, from Monday to Friday, 10am to 3pm or telephone (01670) 622676. Alternatively, you can view the document online at: