YOUR report on the views of the Europhobic pressure group, Business for Britain North East ( Talking Point , January 22) neglects to mention that British business is overwhelmingly in favour of staying in the EU.

And for good reason.

The one bright spot in the economy of the North-East is motor cars.

But this successful industry is entirely dependent on massive foreign investment which is attracted here by the need to sell its product within the large European market.

The companies have already made it clear that if Britain withdrew from that market the investment would go elsewhere – taking precious jobs with it.

It is all too easy for those of us who are old enough not to have to worry about jobs to use the Euro-referendum as an emotional anti-foreigner spasm; but it behoves older voters to have a thought for the young men whose whole future rests on retaining decently-paid industrial employment in this country, so much of which Britain has lost during the last 30 years.

