The Rev Jeremy Thompson, vicar at St John’s Lee, comments on Mark 13 v 1 – 7.

“The Special One” has been struggling of late. Chelsea has at last won a game, but Mourinho’s claims seem just a bit uncertain at the moment.

I don’t suppose that Jose Mourinho has ever directly claimed to be the Messiah, as a Christian or Jew would understand it.

I remember feeling uncomfortable the first time I heard Mourinho refer to himself in that way, for it seemed to me that reference to the Messiah was latent in his words.

For some of the Chelsea faithful perhaps that was what he was saying: I am your saviour. Believe and trust in me and I will bring you into the promised land (of cup glory).

For a time, Mourinho has been as good as his word. But what now, now that the promise seems to be slipping away?

“Many will come in my name and say, ‘I am he’, and they will lead many astray,” says Jesus to his disciples.

Over the centuries, many have come in his name. And, like the temple in Jerusalem that seemed so magnificent, so permanent, they have gone.

But what is it about Jesus that has remained strong and true and lasting? It is only in Jesus that we can have freedom from the past – forgiveness of our sins.

In Jesus we have a purpose for today – wealth and power are as permanent as smoke in the wind, but loving and serving our neighbour brings well-being and fulfillment.

And in Jesus we have hope for the future – in Jesus the future is bright, all will be well, the Kingdom will come.