CONGRATULATIONS to all the award winners in the Prudhoe in Bloom competition. You have done us proud, as always.

KATHLEEN Batey has been running trips to Leeds since 1991, and she is currently collecting names for the next one, on Tuesday, November 10.

She needs to get enough people to fill a bus for the trip to go ahead, so if you would like to go, please contact her on (01661) 833843.

PRUDHOE Methodist Church on West Road will be serving soup and a pudding at its luncheon club on Friday, October 9, at noon. All are welcome.

THERE are still tickets available for the Last Night of the Prudhoe Proms in the church hall on Saturday, October 10, at 7pm, but they will soon sell out, so book quickly on (01661) 833465.

EDGEWELL Christian Centre on Edgewell Road would be very pleased to see you at its coffee morning tomorrow, from 10am until noon. All proceeds go to local charities.

FRIENDS of Prudhoe Woods will meet at the creche in Waterworld on Thursday, October 8, at 7pm.

CONTRARY to rumours, the creche at Waterworld is not closing.

Active Northumberland is consulting people who use the facility to see which sessions are used the most, so arrangements can be made around these times.

THE town council has been looking at the state of the surfaces and car park at Mickley playing field.

Coun. Ann Dale has asked for any concerns to be passed to her via the town council and she will deal with them.

The council is strictly enforcing litter dropping and dog fouling laws in the town and surrounding areas.

Four people have already been fined for dropping litter and one person for failing to pick up after their dog. So please be aware that these laws will be enforced.

PRUDHOE Over 50s Forum had a very interesting speaker at its meeting last Monday.

Brenda Cox, from Betel House in Hexham, gave an inspirational talk about its work.

The team has devised its own programme for cleansing people of drink and drug addictions and helping them back into society.

It does all of this work completely free of charge and gives clients employment and somewhere to live along their road to recovery.

Brenda brought along three girls they have helped and members were very moved by their stories.

THE Manors’ winter warmer event went ahead last Thursday, with lots of information about keeping warm and healthy this winter.

The Manors has activities every day, from bingo to carpet bowling. Pop into the cafe for a cuppa and the staff there will tell you everything that is going on.