HENSHAW Nursery has an open day on Thursday, May 26, from 8am until 4pm where you can see the fun the children have with various activities such as gardening, music, arts and crafts and messy play. Contact 07802 435850 for more information.

Did you know that The Sill Landscape Discovery Centre has arranged a programme of guided walks suitable for all ages and abilities?

You will find a detailed programme at their website with guidance on age suitability.

The sun has been shining and Redburn Park has been very well-used over the last couple of weeks.

Our thanks are due to those on the Redburn Park committee who ensure the cleanliness of the surroundings and safety of the equipment is maintained.

In the village hall on Sunday, May 29, at 7.45pm, Belshazzar’s Feast will be playing folk, classical and jazz. Tickets from Geeta on (01434) 344424.

The village history group continues to collect information on the history of houses in the village.

Members will be having a break from meetings during the summer months, but if you would like to add the history of your home to the growing database, contact stephengibbon@btopenworld.com; colin.moore27@btinternet.com or caroline.bluck@hotmail.co.uk