LAST Monday’s total eclipse of the moon took place at 3am on a peerless, starry night.

We were told the moon would look red during the eclipse, but it turned out to be rather more of a muddy brown.

Later in October, from the 21st to the 24th, we have the peak of the annual Orionids meteor showers to look forward to.

ON Tuesday, October 20, the Rail Users Group has its AGM in the community centre at Guessburn, Stocksfield, at 7pm.

The group is hoping for some clarity on what devolution can do for the line and also on the roles of Rail North and Transport for the North and how a combined authority will seek to influence the Northern Franchise and North East Business Unit.

If you are a member of the group, do go along to the meeting, and if you are not, why not join and add your voice?

THIS month, our highly-regarded local artists Christina Mingard and Jane Veitch will be exhibiting their work at Robinson-Gay in Market Street, Hexham, on Tuesdays to Saturdays from 10.30am until 5pm.

Do drop by and take a look at the beautiful work they produce.

IF you wish to contribute to collections to help with the refugee crisis in Europe, you can drop your contributions off at the churches in Haydon Bridge or Henshaw on Sundays, or at our village shop and the General Havelock in Haydon Bridge.

The Mothers’ Union, which is organising the collections in tandem with the West End Refugee Service, has asked for the following – in preferential order – men’s clothing, bedding, towels, women’s and children’s/babies’ clothes.

THE Beltingham with Henshaw harvest festival service is on Sunday, October 11, at 9.30am, in All Hallows, Henshaw.

There will be a special cash collection for the People’s Kitchen in Newcastle.

There will be no collection of produce, since the charity tends to be overwhelmed with such goods at this time of year.

Instead, the cash collection will help out with all aspects of their work.

THE annual harvest supper – a ticketed event – will take place at the Bowes Hotel on Thursday, October 15, at 7pm.

Numbers are limited. Telephone Pauline (01434) 344436 or Lorna (01434) 344521 to see if there are any places left.