Transition Tynedale will welcome the community at its plant swap and share at the Hexham Farmers Market.

This event, to be held on April 27, takes place a time of year that is 'perfect' for sorting out gardens, regardless of the size.

The group anticipate a bustling event where attendees take and bring a variety of plants including vegetables, fruits, annuals and perennials to donate.

Megan Payne, a member of Transition Tynedale and a long-time stall organiser, said: "We are often overwhelmed by plants and seedlings people bring along.

"They just keep coming as the day goes on!

"There is always a great buzz, many questions and smiles as new discoveries are made.

"This stall is great opportunity to give away surplus seedlings and pick up something you don't already have.

"All we ask is that plant donations are well labelled to avoid confusion on the day."

The stall will run from 9am to 1.30pm.

While it isn't mandatory, attendees can opt to make cash donations when they take away plants.

This contributes to the funding of Transition Tynedale's various projects.

Coincidentally, the plant swap and share will overlap with 'Good to Grow' week, a Sustain initiative aimed at promoting better food and farming practices.

Also, during the week, Grow Hexham will put the Hexham Community Garden in the spotlight.