A mother-of-two has created a petition to plead to Northumberland City Council to make more safety measurements on a dangerous road.

Tara Wright, 33 from Hexham, is one of many residents who have called for more action on Allendale Road in Hexham. For many years, she and other members of the public have felt let down by councillors and feels that there is not done enough to protect school children, drivers and pedestrians on the "death trap road".

She has recently taken action by creating a petition, in hopes that it can create more attention to the problem.

She said: "I was getting so many supportive private messages saying that something needed to be done about the road. So many people were expressing their concerns for the road.

There were also people stating that nothing had been done for years so nothing would be done now however in my opinion a brand new multi million pound school has just opened which has created a huge footfall on one of the most dangerous roads in Hexham so surely this means it is highly important for them to change things now.

Also, me and my husband stood at the end of our driveway trying to figure out what we personally could do to make our own drive safer for our children and 4 cars rattled passed in the space of 5 minutes setting the LED speed sign off showing they were going over the limit. This infuriated me. I felt not listened to over the years of sending private emails with no responses, my neighbours felt not listened to sending emails with no responses.

It was time to start the petition to do it publicly. "

The petition has 452 signatures so far and Tara hopes that it can be the start of some action to the problem and for Northumberland City Council to take notice.

She said: "I am not surprised at the number of support because I know how horrendous this road is, I am surprised how quickly the numbers rose though. Within 2 days we were flying. It has slowed a bit now at 450 however I have been invited to the Active Travel Tynedale CIC meeting tonight (11 October) by their director at the Abbey and I am going to take a paper signatory copy to see if I can get some people that maybe do not use the internet."

Another progress is that councillors are becoming more aware of residents opinions of the road and the path alongside it.

Tara said: "I got in touch with Councillor Glen Sanderson just after I started my petition and he said he would try and help as much as possible.

He has offered me to go to the Local Area Council in November and present my petition and reasons. I also have local police support with this.

I have just a few days ago got in touch with Councillor Derek Kennedy about the absolute state of the paths as in 2 weeks of me going on about this, nothing has been done.

A wheelchair user currently could not get down these paths. It is a disgrace. Councillor Kennedy has replied saying he has requested this be done and that they are looking at what else can be done."

Overall, Tara is quite happy with the success of the attention of the road problems but still believes that there is a long way to go for any changes.

She said: "I have walked around Hexham and passed people standing having a conversation about it.

That makes me happy. We need to be talking about it so we can all collectively come up with a solution. I do still think we need more attention though.

Councillors are not moving fast on this. Still I am sending my children on these paths. They are a danger. The speeding is a danger. Every single day nothing is done is a risk to someone that has to use this road.

If a wheelchair user wanted to visit someone from Causey Hill to Southlands, they would have to use a car.

How is that acceptable in this day and age? We have a path there? Why is it allowed that NCC can leave the paths in such a state that wheelchair users could not use the paths that are there to be used?

These paths would put them at serious risk. Two wheels would end up on the road which would be a serious accident waiting to happen if a car was to come down at the same time.

The road is not maintained yet it is the main road that runs down to a multimillion pound school?

I just want the council to really see how dangerous this road is. The Speed. The paths. The conditions."

If anyone wants to join or show support the petition is: https://www.change.org/p/leader-of-northumberland-county-council-councillor-glen-sanderson-allendale-road-is-unsafe-and-needs-changes-now