WITH a cup of fresh coffee and a home-made cake – this one in the shape of his own house – the man behind Hextol Foundation marked his retirement after 10 years at the helm.

Founder and chief executive Chris Milner is proud of how far the Hexham-based charity, which now runs the Hextol Tans cafe, has come since he set out to provide work experience and training for people with learning disabilities and mental health needs.

But no sooner had he relinquished the reins of this charity then he announced his plans for another.

The one-time software development manager for British Airways said: “I’ve been lucky enough to have a very varied career, with a pretty major turn every 10 years or so, and I reckon I’ve still got time to run through one more cycle.

“I plan to set up another charity or organisation which helps the community in some way. I’m not sure what yet – there’s an awful lot of things you can do if you decide you want to do some good – but I’m certainly interested in trying to tackle the problem of loneliness and isolation that seems to grow in some sections of society.”

After beginning life with a handful of people and the Greenbox mail sort business in 2008, Hextol Foundation today has 59 people working in services that range across catering, packing and distribution, gardening, decorating, warehousing, cleaning and office administration.

“I think the thing I’m most proud of is the steady growth we’ve seen each year,” he said. “And every year we’ve managed to offer more opportunities.”

Taking over a warehouse and distribution service on behalf of George Vyner Limited in 2014 had represented a major expansion, providing trainees with valuable work experience while at the same time generating an income that had helped sustain the charity.

However, taking over not only the Tans cafe but also the mental health service it enshrined, had been the biggest undertaking of all. “It was rather a leap of faith for us,” said Chris.

“We had to look very hard at how it could be run without becoming a financial impossibility and it’s largely thanks to the people who work as volunteer supervisors there that we can do it.

“If anyone else wants to join us, that really does make such a big difference.”

Stepping into his shoes is former solicitor Bruce Howorth, who has been working at Hextol Foundation for the past year and as deputy chief executive since October.

Bruce is also chairman of the Allendale charity Natural Ability and Mental Health Matters Northumberland, as well as being secretary of Hexham Rowing Club.